Getting Organised in 2024 with Bullet Journaling
Happy New year!
One of my new years resolutions is to get ORGANISED with my business and usually nothing sticks! As a creative business there's a lot to keep on top of & i'm juggling many many plates. So I needed something that could keep all of my ideas, plans and thoughts in one place & look super cute.

Once I figured out bullet journaling has everything I needed, and whatever layout I want and the added extras of my own designs and aesthetic then I was all in.
I'm sure you've seen all those ✨ aesthetic ✨ journals on Instagram and Pinterest, which are absolutely stunning but I needed a planner that's functional with a twist. Where I can add all my ideas and find them again quickly without spending HOURS doodling out a 2 page spread for the week. But also had scope for a doodle or two when the need arose.
It's does take a bit of setting up, and planning at the start but once you get into the swing of it, it gets easier, and the work you put in at the start totally pays off.
Index - Actual Game changer
The best thing for me is the index, this is what my brain needed and I haven't even thought about putting in a notebook. Add all the page numbers here, and titles of the pages here. Then you can either group all the things the same here or colour code it to find all your notes on similar themes. Great for when you have lots of ideas spread over different pages.
This is an actual game changer for me as I'm someone who hoards notebooks with random pages of different notes and finds it really hard to find anything at all. Why I hadn't even thought about it when now it's glaringly obvious, I don't think I'll use a notebook or journal the same way again!
You have to remember to index things as you add new pages though.
Future log - Bullet Journal Staple
What's a future log? I hear you ask! - It's pretty much another calendar, or somewhere to put in all the important dates you're working towards or have to remember. For me I use this to keep all the key selling dates i.e. Valentines day, Mothers day & Fathers day. Also random days of note that I can build social media around.
I've quartered the year, as some things work better over a 3 month period whereas others a month and 3 months nicely fit into a page.
Actual meetings and scheduled things go in my digital calendar as this keeps me right with notifications etc.. But that's what works for me. You do what works for you. And that's the great thing about making a bullet journal. It's tailored to your needs.
I've Got the Key - I've got the Secret
Next is the Key
This keeps you and your monthly / weekly tasks on track, I've opted for a very simple key. But if you look on Pinterest for a bujo key. I'm sure you'd find a million and one different ways of doing a key.
Brain Dump
The next page for me is the Brain dump. Literally get EVERYTHING out of my brain and on to a page. This helps me focus and know that the idea is safe and sound in my bullet journal.
I have done a yearly brain dump and a monthly brain dump so the year overview is more of the bigger ideas that I can organise and chunk down into months or the quarters i.e. Q1 - Q4 and then eventually schedule in the weekly and monthly pages.
Once I've done the brain dump then I write goals for that period.
Yearly goals are big things I want to accomplish over the year. Like write at least 12 blog posts or re design the website. Or create a new product range.

For monthly goals I pick 3 tasks I'd like to accomplish before the month is out. For example, make a new range of bookmarks, or post on social media 3 times a week (AT LEAST), or write a blog.

If you love this whale bookmark - I make them so if you'd like your own cute wooden bookmark that can be personalised you can find them here
Weekly / Daily pages
This is where I put my tasks for the week. If they aren't finished or moved to the next week then I'll migrate them to else where. I also have a weekly recurring task
Once the month is over I'll do a review of the Month or the Quarter. So what went well what didn't go well. What I should do more of what I should do less of. This will help me stay focussed on my goals set at the start and keep me on track.
Monthly tracker.
So you can track pretty much anything in the tracker but I'm tracking my socials for the month. Mainly engagement and reach for Instagram. And you can create nifty graphs and tables to add all your data in.
- Personalisation is key! Adapt these ideas to your specific needs and preferences.
- Use different layouts and trackers. Experiment with bullet journal layouts, colours, and symbols to find what works for you.
- Make it visual and fun! Incorporate illustrations, doodles, and colour coding to keep your journal engaging.
- Be consistent. The more you use your bullet journal, the more effective it will be in helping you achieve your business goals.
*This post may contain affiliate links. They will be of no extra expense for you, but I receive a small credit. Please see my Disclosure for more details. (I only support things I actually use and love) Thank you for supporting Ingrained Inc!
List of things I use:

- First of all you need a bullet journal I've been using this Yop & Tom A5 Bullet Journal It comes with all the pages you need, all the pages are numbered and it comes with a handy spacing tool.
- Washi tape isn't essential for bullet journaling but use it for a very quick pop of colour for your pages, You can use tape to decorate or even tape notes to your pages.
- Dual Brush Journal Pens Range of lovely colours, dual sided so brush on one side and coloured fine liner on the other. No bleed through on pages.
- Fine liners, great for drawing tables and lines. I use these Derwent fine liners I use 0.3 for most things in my bullet journal but these seem to be going out of stock so when mine run out I'll probably go for these Sakura Pigma Micron
- Journal stickers! A massive time saver when you don't want to spend ages decorating or doing fancy calligraphy in your journal but want it to look cute. Great for adding a pop of colour or titles when you need to be quick.